day 601
It is raining outside. Dallas is playing golf this afternoon. He is going to be soaked!!! This afternoon, I'm calling family, writing/blogging, sorting seeds and planning my garden.
For the first 580 days I wrote in my journal most everyday. Most days, it was more like making a list of what I wanted my life to look like more than just living my life. After my trip to AZ that visual of boxes and boxes of thoughts just kept nagging at me. I find myself wanting to get up in the morning and get going. I don't want my life to be boxes and boxes of unused thoughts.
My garden is taking on a new life. I'm experimenting with lasagna gardening, worm composting and a bigger garden. Local eating, organic, heirloom, running, writing, my master home environmentalist program plus soo much more.
Spring seems a time to do, not sit around an ponder or start the day too relaxed. It is an active time. Does this feeling of planting, soil and spring passion come from me or a combo of my genes and family history of farming?
I wonder, next winter, will I once again want to start the day quiet, reflective and slowly? Is this a.m. movement a seasonal thing or a shift in my life? Only time can tell, but right now in this season, it feels good.