Friday, September 18, 2015

Changing seasons and day 707

Good morning,
    The sun is not yet up but I'm up and looking forward to the day.  Starting the day by counting my blessings creates a strong canvas on which to co-create this day.  I say co-create because I'm not alone in this world and journey.  No one is ever alone.  Even when sitting by myself, I'm never alone.  Nature surrounds me, the birds will listen and talk to me, the clouds will move me, the wind will whisper in my ear.  My ancestors send me love and insights.  Angels protect me, light surrounds me.  We are never alone.
    Starting this day with gratitude for this Divine love and support creates in my energy system a strong foundation of strength. A strength that touches my essence and lifts me up.  I draw in a deep breath and smile because this day is gift.
    It is almost autumn.  The weather is shifting.  The trees are starting to turn.  My grass is almost green again and in need of a good mow.  My garden is winding down.  I feel this shift and will join in the power of change.  Our life, my hubby and mine, is currently shifting direction.  When I feel anxious in life this is the time I draw on this energy and cultivate my morning practices.
   There is a power greater than me out there and also within myself that I don't fully comprehend nor can I see it but I feel it and know it is there.  Autumn is the time of year to let go of what is dying and set the ground for winter composting.  Trusting in the process of life, knowing spring comes every year I relax and go on with my morning yoga.
            Wishing you fresh air and beauty today,