Monday, January 13, 2014

Pausing and listening

Day 116

   Happy new year to you.  If you were wondering where I went, no worries I was taking care of a sore shoulder.  Sometimes your body knows best.  When I listen to it, I do better.  When I press beyond and past its wisdom, I usually wish I had just paused and listened.

   Pausing from writing during my 1000 day journey was not part of the plan.  But when I paused and let go, good things started pouring in.  Having a goal is powerful and wonderful, but also having the insight to pause and listen is even more so. 

   Did I stop writing during my healing up break?  No, before bed I have been writing myself a little note and asking myself a question.   I love getting up in the morning feeling like I have answers to life's little questions.

   While healing up my shoulder I have continued to play with a Paleo type lifestyle.   It seems my body does better on lots of veggies, healthy proteins, nuts and seeds - sugar, grains, caffeine and even chocolate- not so much.

  This move to more animal based foods has been tough.  I grew up eating this way. (I was raised on a beef farm and huge garden)  But as I got older and more aware, I tried to adopt a more vegetarian type diet. I so wanted to be a vegetarian, it seems well.. so nice!  But my body, once again, gave me solid and consistent hints that the nice way wasn't the best way for me. 

   I'm loving 2014.   So far, the theme for the year seems to be:  pause, listen and trust!  Letting go isn't easy but when you do life gives back in abundance!

Wishing you all abundance and ease in your life,