Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I'm no longer a Farmer!

Day number 342

Can you believe it?  Almost a year has passed since I started this 1000 day journey.  I feel inspired to begin each day and to begin a new season.  There is something about the energy of Autumn that fires up my intuition and passion for life.  I love all the seasons but Autumn changes all the rules.

This week, my mom put up two bushels of corn, canned both peaches and pickles. Last night, my step mom picked 5 gallon of tomatoes.  The world is ripe and maybe that is how I feel- ripe.  Ripe for the picking, my year's growth is ready to be harvested.

Autumn is the season of harvest, of change and of the last burst of energy before winter's hibernation. The grass is golden, the bins are bursting with food, our planting is done!  Now we pack up for winter and celebrate.  This is how I feel- like celebrating the year's abundance.

How do you feel this time of year?  Some of my friends dread the coming of autumn because it also means our days will be shorter, darker and up here in the NW- much wetter.  I used to dread August until I realized there was nothing to dread.

  I come from a family of farmers, August was exhausting. August meant going to the fair, getting ready for school, finishing up anything that needed done from the year this month.  It was also when all the crops in the field and garden were ready to harvest.   My grandma dreaded August, My mom dreaded August and so I dreaded August until one day when I realized I was no longer a farmer. I live in the city. In Seattle, August is full of sunshine, warm weather and dry ground.  August is the driest month of the year!  It is wonderful Month.  It only took 40 some years to figure this out!

Maybe a more important question for us all is not how do you feel but why?  Dig deeper and you might just discover you too are no longer a farmer!!

Happy travels to you, may your path be filled with beauty and unexpected joys,