My neighbor brought me a freshly picked, right out of her garden, thank you bouquet of daisies. When I was little, daisies were my favorite flower- so simple, fresh, happy. Apparently, they still do. In this journey of 1000 days, I have taken a few detours along the way but being true to my authentic spirit- keeps bringing back to my practice.
And practicing is really what I'm doing on this journey. Someday's my practice is spectacular- other days it is humbling. But everyday it is part of my life.
My creativity got a shot in the arm when I went back home to Colorado a month ago. I traveled back home to family and for helping my mom host her Holyoke book club. She was born in Holyoke. Much of our family lived there and I was a frequent visitor growing up. For book club we read American the Beautiful by Ben Carson. This was not a book I would normally read but since there would be a discussion at the end- I read it cover to cover. Along the way, something interesting happened. I got out of a rut.
The definition of insanity, or so I've heard, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Reading the same type of books over and over again and hoping to find a major shift or understanding is unlikely. But expanding and something new freshens your brain, your spirit and your mind.
When I read book club book, traveled to a new/old town and shifted my daily activities my desire to nurture and nourish my own creativity got awakened.
Sometimes when you or I want to find something new we must go back to simplicity. This is where we have room to breathe and create. What do you truly love? What makes you happy?
I'm discovering on this 1000 journey that if I become a public writer or stay writing in blog and journals doesn't matter as much as honoring the fact that I am a writer. When I think of myself as a writer, I feel more creative. I like how my brain functions as a writer. I start to look at life a bit differently. Finding inspiration for my creativity is essential. As is creating a space and environment in which to flourish.
For me enjoying a canning jar full of daisies lifts my spirits. Taking a picture of my bouquet of daisy's and then writing about it is priceless.
Wishing you all lifted spirits and creative