Day 922
The power of play is as important as the value of work. To play is to be loose, curious, joyful, guard down, Joy up. I will never be able to work from a place of joy if I can't learn to take time to play.
Tonight after what started out as an emotional evening. Self doubt, frustration, exhaustion, poured out of me. After a nap, good walk and self talking to and a creative edamame pudding creation. I played catch with my hubby. Tossing the football back and forth. No expectations, not schedules, no criticism, I chased more than caught, it was light hearted.
And isn't that what we are hear for, to love? To love with a since of lightness and joy. No expectations just throw the ball and catch the ball. Give love and receive love. It is as simple as that.
Take time to play. I say that to myself as much as anyone who is reading tonight. There is a time for everything. Play and work are parts of the whole. Hopefully they show up at the same time but when they don't there needs to be time opened up for both. Play and work. Throw and catch. Love given and love received.
Sweet dreams tonight and as you are scheduling your work tomorrow make sure to block off a bit of play TLC.