Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring and planting

day 601

It is raining outside. Dallas is playing golf this afternoon. He is going to be soaked!!! This afternoon, I'm calling family, writing/blogging, sorting seeds and planning my garden.

For the first 580 days I wrote in my journal most everyday. Most days, it was more like making a list of what I wanted my life to look like more than just living my life. After my trip to AZ that visual of boxes and boxes of thoughts just kept nagging at me. I find myself wanting to get up in the morning and get going. I don't want my life to be boxes and boxes of unused thoughts.

My garden is taking on a new life. I'm experimenting with lasagna gardening, worm composting and a bigger garden. Local eating, organic, heirloom, running, writing, my master home environmentalist program plus soo much more.

Spring seems a time to do, not sit around an ponder or start the day too relaxed. It is an active time. Does this feeling of planting, soil and spring passion come from me or a combo of my genes and family history of farming?

I wonder, next winter, will I once again want to start the day quiet, reflective and slowly? Is this a.m. movement a seasonal thing or a shift in my life? Only time can tell, but right now in this season, it feels good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Morning Vigor and a box of thoughts

Day 587,
March 4th-9th I spent in AZ with my grandparents, my great aunt and my mom. Lots of conversations centered around growing up on the farm: hard work, pride & joy in work and the contentment of a job well done.

My aunt and mom brought me a book from Aunt Velma's book club called " Winter Wheat" Throughout this book the love of work and the land found it's way onto most pages. During crop season, getting up early and working long hours were in contrast to the long winter nights inside waiting for spring.

My mom mentioned something about journaling while we were there that really caught my breath. She said something about having boxes of journals from every stage of her life. Most mornings she journals as I have been doing during this 1000 day journey and even before. Boxes of thoughts just sitting there........ I haven't journaled since then.

Yesterday, am I got up early and did my dusting, pick up and bathroom cleaning. I worked in the office, taking little breaks to snack, walk the dogs and pull weeds. By the end of the day, not only had I accomplished a great deal- the day seemed longer. In the evening I read a little while Dallas played pool with a friend, got dinner ready, ate and did the dishes and then watched a couple of shows with Dallas. Around 8:30 I did about 45 minutes of yoga with music playing in the background. Later Dallas and I looked through a book together.

What do these events have in common or meaning? It is the 14th day of March. Spring is everywhere. Normally, I start the day with yoga, journaling and meditation. It is a beautiful practice in the dead of winter but in spring I don't know. For the spring season I'm going to mix a few things up. Writing more with a purpose but during the daytime. Instead of journaling, writing only what has meaning and spread over a full week. And finally, to get up in the morning and do no more that 10-15 minutes of wake up exercises and then getting right into my day. I think the am yoga is too calming and I start too relaxed. In the spring, I should start with vigor- morning vigor. I'll switch up and do my yoga at night before bed when relaxing seems more fitting.

As the days flow in this journey, I frequently wonder, is this practice of following my heart my bliss actually doing anything or is it just another 1000 days in my life. I feel the need to change my habits.

Happy travels- spring travels,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami on Saturday

day 572
This morning, I had my day all planned. Early shower, walk the dogs in the sunshine, dust and vacuum the house. A little time for office work and then some inspired baking before my documentary party this evening. That is until I looked at the Internet and saw Chili had a 8.8 point earthquake. Sending out a Tsunami warning to Hawaii. My sister is down in the Cook Islands- Kiribati Islands. She is on little islands, on a little boat in the middle of now where with a Tsunami headed her way.
My heart dropped, my little special sister whom I love so much is in danger. Tears filled my eyes and dropped. I feel so far away and helpless. I called people I know to send out prayers and blessings to Tara. A friend of mine reminded me to stay calm. Panicking and stressing will not help.
A couple of hours later I got a response from her boat. Tara is currently out to sea. I guess this is the safest place to be. I don't know if the Tsunami has passed her. I do know she has been sick to her stomach and today is feeling better and ate some breakfast.
I guess on any given day an earthquake could hit. My sister is out traveling the world she is usually out traveling. This reminds me to make the most of my days and my relationships. Life is a living thing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm not always grand

Day 556

My, but the days sure tick by. I just posted two blogs to my business and my residue free blogs. Before shutting off my computer and going to bed, I thought I would take a peek at my 1000 day blog. This is my first posting in 2010. I don't really have much to say except I just wanted to write something here this year.

What have I learned so far? Many things and nothing. I've learned to pause more often, that accomplishing something feels better than doing nothing and I've learned being mindful all day is a tall order. I've not learned to yodel, to use my scanner or what the name of a little bird that visits my yard.

As of today, Feb 10, 2010, I think I would like to be able to do 4 pull ups. My sister has worked her way up to 4, it would be a good sister connection. I would like to create a effectively awesome lasagna garden this summer, and I think I would like to write more often to this blog.

Were you expecting something more adventurous or grand? Me too, but I'm not always grand, sometimes I just am what I am.

Happy traveling,