Did you think I forgot about you? I did kind of did. Not about my 1000 day journey but about writing to you. Today is January 19, 2011, funny, I just got done doing the dishes. This picture is the first one I took of 2011. Dishwater opened my new year. That is just funny. Who opens the new year with dishwater??? I guess I do. I told my sister in law I would send her the first picture that inspired me of the new year and this is what I came up with-classic.
It has been so long since I wrote to you I don't know where to begin. I'll just begin now. I love new years. I love the freshness, the excitement, the freedom, the hopes, the dreams, I can change the world and live my life from my very core this year!! It never ceases to amaze me the anticipation I feel and how many ideas flow into my head. I love new beginnings and new ideas. This is a fact. What I have a little trouble doing is finishing these grand schemes. And so in 2011 and on day 899 of 1000 day journey I begin again with head full of new ideas to live this year. In this beginning holds my theme for the new year: A thoughtful year. My theme is to live a thoughtful year from start, middle and end. That is a tall order!
A couple of weeks ago I saw a interview with Oprah interviewing J.K. Rowling. They were visiting about how it felt to have all the money you could ever want. That first epiphany when you realized you didn't have to choose you could by what ever you wanted, there was no need to choose or do without. I didn't envy the thought, it seemed sad. Where is the creativity in having it all? I kind of like creatively living. Finding ways to have fun, be creative, save money, go on road trips, explorations and discoveries with not much more than my passion, joy, creativity and curiosity.
What does that have to do with the new Thoughtful year? I'm not exactly sure, it just keeps popping into my mind and I felt like writing about it. Back to the thoughtful year. What does A thoughtful year mean? It means living within myself, It means to think before jumping, to reflect and create. It means to be grounded and centered. It means to be thoughtful, generous and mindful. It feels more beautiful and expansive than just mindful. It brings in what and who i love and opens my heart. It means to be intuitive not impulsive. It means being calm no matter what the weather or surrounding energy. It means being thoughtful with my time, my energy, my money, my thoughts, even my face muscles and digestive system. A thoughtful year is just taking a moment to pause and wonder and ask yourself the little questions.
Back to my dish soapy water. A few years ago we lost our electricity for 4 days. It was during a extreme cold spell. I was cold to the bone. Having hot water felt like a true luxury. When the lights came back on and our house started to warm up, I found myself doing the dishes. Never in my life was I so greatful to have my hands in hot bubbly water. Gratitude was as abundant as the bubbles. That year I had a goal to wash my dishes, write, teach, learn and to make $ 240,000 dollars. I did everything but make the $240,00. You could say my heart wasn't into making money as it was to being present, thankful and grateful. Washing my dishes was a reminder to pause and be grateful each night, not dreading the chore but embrasing it. Today, as a coincidence, my dishwasher is broken, I really haven' felt like fixing it. Everyday I do our dishes by hand. Hot water, bubbles and my thoughts. It is comforting and calming.
And so with the joys of dishwashing I wish you a good night- a thoughtful one.
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