Thursday, October 31, 2013

A litle more playing and pretending please!

It is day 42 of my 1000 day practice and Halloween morning.  This morning I was reminded to lighten up.  For when I smile this is not a smile of just muscles and teeth but an internal smile.  Connecting with my own radiance and spirit and smiling a smile not just from my face but from my heart.

This week I started my blog site from good vibrations.  My new business cards arrived and I love them.  Practicing, playing and pretending are on the list of things to do today.  Maybe I outwardly know the answers to my many questions but if not, I can pretend I do and as if magic the answers usually come.  As a matter of a fact answers that come from this place seem very wise and very light hearted.

The practice of smiling is really a reminder to pause and listen.  To pretend and play and practice nurturing and expanding my radiant energies.  These energies are where joy- begets joy and where gratitude revs up the engine.

So on day 42 my practice is to pause.  And when I pause to relax and smile.  And when I smile to pretend this smile is one from my heart and soul.  And when I smile to remember to listen and be present.  And when I am present and joyful so, I will get to notice all the blessing of the day.  So today, I will smile, I will run and as you can read, I will write.

May the merits of this little 1000 day practice land on the wings of angels and may they be blessed and delivered to their highest good.

wishing you a joyful practice,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day #27 Why smile?

    Smiling sounded like such a simple little practice.  Turn up the corners of your mouth and twinkle your eyes.  But in reality smiling is more about coming into the present moment.  As it turns out my true smiling seems only to come when I'm present.  And so this practice of smiling is also practice of being present.
    I find when I am present I also have better posture and I breathe deeper.  When I smile I tend to be relaxed and at ease.  And so this practice of smile is also one of relaxing and being at ease.  When I'm at ease I tend to have more faith my next move in life will be supported.  And so this practice of smiling is also about trusting in life.  The practice of smiling is about having faith.
     And when I do smile from the heart, I feel happier.  I seem to be happier more often.  And so this practice of smiling is also about nurturing my inner radiance and joy.  I seem to notice our home has more laughter- maybe it has always been this way and now I join along.
      I find when I'm present and at ease I am a better listener.  And so this practice of smiling is about learning to listen.  And when I'm listening I notice more things- I see better.  I taste the flavors of my food.  I catch the aromas of the day and I feel the weight of my dishes as I put them away in the morning.  And so this practice of smiling is about being connected to my own senses.

Funny- this practice of smiling is a bit bigger than anticipated.  It is a good practice.  I'm understanding why it is a 1000 day practice and not a 21 day sprint.

Wishing you a good practice,

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sacred science of 1000 journey

In the yoga tradition, it takes 1000 days to master a new skill.  Yesterday, I watched the documentary called Sacred Science, it also mentions the 1000 days to become a master- at least a beginning master.  Why do you practice anything?  To improve your skills, in focus of a larger vision.   If I want to run a marathon, I would have to practice/train, stay focused and keep my mind on the larger goal of running the marathon- healthy- happy and strong.

And this 1000 day journey is a practice.  A practice to keep me focused on improving my skills for a larger vsion.  The time of 1000 days gives me time to learn, get stronger and have it become part of me.  If it was any shorter I would want to press- like I normally do- but with a 1000 days, it reminds me this is a long journey and not a 100 yard sprint.

1000 days is a long time but if I count the number of days I have been alive, I have already had 17.52 1000 day journeys. The fact is everyday is a journey, but most days I am asleep, wondering around and often disconnected.  Year after year I find myself tired and remorseful come December. And so as I start day 22nd day of a 1000 day journey, I realize I would be having this day no matter what.  The difference being in having a practice is I have reason.  This is just a practice.   This practice will never lead to perfection, it isn't possible.  But what I know this practice will give me is vision, insights and many, many gifts along the way.

This 1000 day practice is largely about faith.  Having the faith that by practicing and trusting in the process, whatever I will need will appear within the steps of this journey.

Wishing you a good journey today, a good practice.

I would highly recommend the Sacred Science Documentary.  It is about 8 people, all with different health troubles.  They travel and stay in the Amazon forest and get treatment from multiple Shaman.  By using the ancient art of healing from the gifts of the Amazon they look to help heal these 8.
for more information visit