Today I was asked the question "If you had an ideal client archetype which makes your heart sing... Who would that be? What type of services would you envision providing them?"
Today is day 834 of my 1000 day journey
My husband and I have been given a rare gift. After 25 years of owning a cleaning/restoration company we were gifted a new option. Our company is now in the hands of a cleaning company with 55 more years experience than even we had. This company of ours wanted to grow and thrive. For us it felt too tight, it had a ceiling and walls; it was getting heavier by the year. Now it is free to thrive and thrive it will- what was too tight for two people is now a source of growth and expansion for many people.
And such is life... If the shoe doesn't fit, you will get blisters.
Back to my question. I am now free to either continue the work I have started or maybe, just maybe, that work no longer fits my feet. Frankly, I don't know. My brain knows what it knows, but I don't know what I don't know. The highways in my mind are full of well traveled paths. It is time to clear a new path.
After 834 days of running, writing and smiling, I'm stepping off my well traveled path.
My new friend who asked these questions of me. These simple, straight forward questions might as well of asked me:
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
A question Mary Oliver asks in her famous poem The Summer Day
I can answer his questions with thousands of words, ideas, politically correct answers, possibilities, strategies, goals, ponderings, realities, years of soul searching and yet here I am frozen in time and space just staring at those questions....
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Isn't this a wonderful dilemma??? To get to ask those questions and know I don't know the answer but I have the freedom to wonder?
Life is a journey not a destination. Pause and rest, but then move along.
I thank you for the questions. And I thank this gift of not knowing the answer.
For all my friends who also travel on paths- new paths and paths that are old friends. I wish for you a good pair of shoes- shoes that fit just right.
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