Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pay yourself first

Today is Saturday.  Saturday's are the day to get your work done!  These are not days for being frivolous but for getting your to-do list finished.  For cleaning out the dust bunnies and accomplishing those big projects that weigh heavily on your soul.  This is precisely why I'm sitting at Starbucks, with a toasted bagel, cream cheese, a cup of joy tea and my iPad.

Shouldn't I be cleaning house, or doing yard work, shopping or anything else that sit on my task list??  Let me ask you this:  "What will you do with your one wild and precious life"?  (Mary Oliver)

Last post I was pondering our future after cleaning.  Was I on the right path or did I need to go off road and discover a new path?  It has been a week since I wrote that post.  I dug into my question and here is what I discovered:  I need to stay on my path and I need to go off road.  It is as simple as that.

Today, I am doing the most important thing on my life's to do list.  I am listening to my spirit and soul and doing the things I would normally put off so my dust bunnies and in-box are clean and clear.  But why in the world would I put my life's joyful, exploration and heart's desires behind my dust bunnies????

My grandpa always said "pay yourself first". This wise advise isn't just for finances but for your life.  We take time to schedule our mundane, have to's, our must do's and our should do's but do we schedule our joys, our curiosities, our explorations, life's to dos?? I think life's to-do's get pushed back and squashed into a corner to make room for being busy.

Getting back to last post's question.  As it turns out I was never off my life's path.  I meandered around with a 25 year old cleaning company.  This was my training ground in creating, my Doctorate in residue free living and my master's degree in marketing, sales, finance and operations.  This January when we sold the cleaning part of our company - we also graduated!

Today, I took the early morning hours to be quiet and reflect on this past month.  What did I do?  What did I want to do?  How do I feel about this month?  What do I need to do?  I wrote down my major accomplishments, my good ones and my personal recommendations to myself.  And then I decided this Saturday is golden.   As Mary Oliver asks "What will you do with your one wild and precious day."  Will I live, explore, play and do what my spirit asks?  Or will I be a good girl and work on my inbox?  I ran in the sunshine with Sally.  I'm at a cafe writing and every ounce of my spirit is smiling!  I decided since I have graduated. I will go back on my path, my souls path and I will take my to-do list seriously.  My life's to do list that is!

So here is the question of the day:  What is on your to-do list today? And which list are you looking at?
  As always, I wish you a joyful journey,

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