Friday, February 5, 2016

If only time would slow down

And life marches 848.  In life there is one given we can count on:  Life will continue to move forward.   There is no such thing as stopping in nature or life.  The idea of hitting life's pause button on any given day would be so helpful.  Heavy sigh.....  Stopping time is a little like giving a toddle everything they want.  They think they want the hot pan to play with or the bag of candy.  Inside their little spirits is wishing and even demanding with passion.  And yet as an adult we knowingly and hopefully distract the little one's laser focus towards something less harmful.  The higher powers that watch us on earth are probably smiling as we throwing our adult tantrums and passionately wish with all our might for time would stop or at least slow down.

Thank heavens we don't always get what we ask for.  Time is meant to flow. Life is not stagnating, nor stuck.  Would you rather drink water out of a stinky, stagnate, murky pond or from a vibrant creek that dances down the mountain?  A tree will die when nutrients stop flowing through its trunk.  We need our bodies to flow.  We need our spirits to flow.  We need our days to keep moving. Plunk, plunk, plunk

Life is like time.  Our job is to keep flowing.  Become connected with the natural rhythms of the seasons, of the world and our own essence.  In my ever moving path of 1000 days I'm on day 848.  What happened to all those days??  Where did they go?  Each had 24 hours or 1440 minutes.  As I get older it seems time is speeding up.  My father in law is 80, he says "Denise time gets faster and faster the older you get".   Maybe this feeling of speedy days is also part of the natural flow of life.  Our days become more precious with time.

Time moves, this is a fact.  What can we do? Fretting about past is wasted energy because you are trying to stop the natural flow of life.  Worrying over tomorrow depletes our today. Today, instead of pondering what I did with the other 848 days or becoming anxious over the remaining 152 days, my "job" today is to savor, play, discover, enjoy, and dance with the wonders this day: day 848.

I ask Mary Oliver’s question:  "What will you do with your one wild and precious life?"  Or maybe the question should be:  What will you do with your one wild and precious day?"  It is not a matter of slowing down or speeding up time but of jumping right in.

 I wish you a delightful journey discovering this one wild and precious day.

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