Saturday, February 20, 2016

When compost is done - day 861

Day 861

As it turns out, I was never off my path.  Early in my life I had an inner knowing I would be a late bloomer.  I knew I would live a while before I did in fact bloom.  Some people need more composting than others and I am one of those people.  But my compost is done.  I am ready.

For 25 years as the owner of a restoration cleaning company, I was learning, honing my craft, exploring, watching, testing, wondering, working and well...composting.

Last night I put our company of cleaning to bed.  Literally.  Through the transition of selling the cleaning part of our company, I had gathered up supporting material, training material, contracts, notes, meetings - a lot of thinking.  As it turns out, selling a company does take a lot of time, energy and work.  But last night I shredded what I no longer needed.  I organized and then filed in my archive box the rest.  I put the cleaning business to bed.  I de-cluttered my own thoughts.

For 25 years I was not a owner of a cleaning company but a coach, writer, teacher who was learning her trade by being the owner and operator of a restoration cleaning company.

As we sold our business, conversations led to a discovery of how many other people and business owners are feeling stuck or lost.  As we let go of this path, I saw a lot of wishing going on.   People wishing they were going with us.  They wanted to let go of thier now.  It wasn't just us that was ready to shift directions.  Our world is full of people who are done composting and are now feeling the pain of stagnation.

We are all created to continue evolving throughout our lives.  When this composting process stops it feels bad.  When we stop growing and evolving our spirits will start complaining.  This is why clutter is so depleting and diminishing of spirit.  It is because we are created to keep creating life, to flow to evolve, to move.  Nature is never stagnate and neither should we.

Tonight starts another weekend in my coaching certification training program.  My compost is ready to be spread.  Inside my inner race horse is chopping at the bit.  But tonight I will go with beginner's mind.  My intent is to be present, to listen, to be open to pay attention.  What I know for sure is: I do not know what I do not know.

As I continue on this 1000 day practice, it is becoming crystal clear to me that this 1000 day practice of running, writing and smiling is right on course.  I'm exactly where I am suppose to be today.

I thank you for giving me a place to churn and heat up ideas.   Over the few months I will be recreating our new business.  Re-naming, starting an new blog, hooking up to our community, clarifying my intent and digging in the rich compost.  I will be playing with creating a new business and new life.  A life that has been churning a long time.  As I create, I will keep space for all those kindred spirits whose compost is also done. I will be keeping a inquiry space for you too.  How can I and my journey can assist you in yours.

Yesterday, I went for a run.  The early spring flowers were starting to bloom.  Nature knows.  It always evolves.  It knows when and how.  All we have to do is pay attention and then put one foot in front of the other.

Wishing you great joy on your life's journey,

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