Day 866
"Say yes - Embrace Uncertainty - Surrender to the
Mystery - Live the Question" Alison Berryman
afternoon I was pondering over my blog sites. I have 4 blogs. They
have different headings, some for business, this one for pure pleasure.
As I read my own postings I realize my voice is the same no matter where
I am. I am who I am. I'm kind like Popeye the Sailor Man.
I talk
about the day. I'm so exciting.
As I was
searching with no real agenda, I noticed a slight oversite on my part. I
was looking to savor and discover the gift of everyday. Not bad but could
it be better? I believe so.
A few
years ago my sister in law and I played with a one week experiment. We
would follow our intuition and no matter where it leads us, we would know we
were brilliant! I remember playing this game. Was I brilliant all week?
Yes! Did I remember to realize I was brilliant all week? Probably
not. Did it light me up from the inside out? You bet.
I am not
a wild woman. I'm not a loud, crazy. I'm not a partying kind of
gal. I can try but I am who I am. But, there is room for movement
here. This is what I'm thinking...
What if
instead of looking to savor and appreciate each day I set out to explore,
create and play; To ask for and applaud the miracles each day; To
say YES and know that this day has at least one nugget of gold; At least one
gift of Divine abundance; One moment of breath taking beauty; To notice
the serendipity in action, the happy coincidences and the synergy of Divine Blessings.
To look, no, hunt out those moments of clear heart to heart connections.
To actually say thank you, not because I have to but because I'm so
appreciative of the day I have no choice than to affirm and bow to its glory.
What if
instead of writing and running and smiling. I created from my heart. I
moved with such cat like grace that it looked like I was running. And
what if my goal of the day was not to smile myself but to help someone else
smile????? Now we are getting somewhere!!
Let me
pause here and smile. It cracks me up how many days it took for me to
notice this small over site on my part. Don't you just love the mystery
of life??? I do- even if I am Popeye.
OK, as I
was saying. In the course of becoming a life coach we get asked to dive
into our own Popeye selves. In the last class, we worked on manifesting.
We need to set our intent. We need to ask for assistance and then
we need to let go.
intent wasn't big enough! I was OK just being content with a savored,
grateful day. This is a great day- please don't miss understand.
But like Mary Oliver asked "What will you do with your one wild and
precious life?" Will you settle for really good? Or will you ASK the Universe to Co-create with you? This seems a pretty good partnership. Don't you think??
On day
866 I think I'll shift from Popeye to Bugs Bunny or maybe I'll be as spectacular as my spirit knows me to be.
I wish
you a brilliantly lit journey. One that you didn't just happen upon, but helped