Day 451
Yesterday, I took the whole day off. I did read about worms-the whole book, watched football, ate - basically did nothing. By evening my VOJ-voice of judgment, was starting to act up. A little guilt sneaking in, my to do list for this week making noise. Most of the day was heavenly, just me and my husband talking, laughing, snacking and watching our Dallas Cowboys win over the Falcons.
It's funny how we don't value play or down time, especially as women we arn't always taught to just be. About the only time we feel justified in just being and treating ourselves to a fun day is when we are sick or stranded somewhere. My step mom spent most of Sunday stranded in the airport on her way home to visit her family. I think it was probably more of a gift than a frustration.
Do we have to get sick to take time to just be? If I'm going to just be I would much rather do it in health than stuck in a bed. Learning to value our quiet time, to listen to our yearnings, to go play for no reason except it is fun, these are habits worth exploring. On paper it sounds easy enough, in reality we are afraid to take time for nothing much.
Happy Travels,
New habits take time, 21 days does nothing more than get your feet wet. This blog is sharing with you my practice and found wisdom of 1000 day journey. My journey is learning to discover and savor the gift of everyday.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Practice of Freedom
day 450,
How time continues to move. When I started this journey 450 days ago, I knew the days would keeping adding even if I paid no mind to my journey. It's funny instead of feeling like I need to do more, I feel as though I need to relax, let go and just be.
This is Sunday. My husband and I have no plans, I might roast some garlic, take the dogs for a walk, read about worms or just take a nap. Today is a day of freedom. The freedom to enjoy the day and let it unwind however it chooses.
Looking for a recipe, using cashews instead of cream for soup, I was on Oprah's home site. I stumbled on to an article about how women in the US are getting less happy as we age. We start out happy and somehow we become un-enchanted with our lives. Maybe it is because as women, we are not allowed to have days of pure freedom. Day's where there is no chores, no requirements, no internal guilt about just being.
How can we listen to our instincts, our intuition, our core being if we never stop and breath? If we are not true to our own heart how can we be happy?
On behalf of all women, I will practice the freedom of just enjoying this day. May this practice of freedom, bless all women everywhere!
Happy travels,
How time continues to move. When I started this journey 450 days ago, I knew the days would keeping adding even if I paid no mind to my journey. It's funny instead of feeling like I need to do more, I feel as though I need to relax, let go and just be.
This is Sunday. My husband and I have no plans, I might roast some garlic, take the dogs for a walk, read about worms or just take a nap. Today is a day of freedom. The freedom to enjoy the day and let it unwind however it chooses.
Looking for a recipe, using cashews instead of cream for soup, I was on Oprah's home site. I stumbled on to an article about how women in the US are getting less happy as we age. We start out happy and somehow we become un-enchanted with our lives. Maybe it is because as women, we are not allowed to have days of pure freedom. Day's where there is no chores, no requirements, no internal guilt about just being.
How can we listen to our instincts, our intuition, our core being if we never stop and breath? If we are not true to our own heart how can we be happy?
On behalf of all women, I will practice the freedom of just enjoying this day. May this practice of freedom, bless all women everywhere!
Happy travels,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The practice of faith
DAY 441
The practice of each day. This is my practice. It is the practice of faith.
Practicing to be aware and notice how I have been blessed and then taking the time to say thank you.
Practicing to be in the present moment. Connected to my senses and my essence.
Practicing and playing with the gift and the art of creating, visualizing and believing
Practicing breathing, nurturing vibrant and healthy energy. Where no matter what the weather I have deep roots, a strong and flexible trunk and the presence to know I'm never alone but always protected and supported.
The practice of each day. This is my practice. It is the practice of faith.
Practicing to be aware and notice how I have been blessed and then taking the time to say thank you.
Practicing to be in the present moment. Connected to my senses and my essence.
Practicing and playing with the gift and the art of creating, visualizing and believing
Practicing breathing, nurturing vibrant and healthy energy. Where no matter what the weather I have deep roots, a strong and flexible trunk and the presence to know I'm never alone but always protected and supported.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A practice worth persuing!
Day 439
Today is today, it is not a journey. It is one day. Putting together 1000 days makes a journey. My journey is not today, all I can do today is practice enjoying this day, practice being present, being grateful, being balanced. Practicing the gift of this day.
I had been getting caught up in this journey but in reality all I can do is be in the present moment and practice making the most of this 22nd day of autumn.
Yesterday, I was asked to write a 600 word article then teach a class in January. This invitation both excited and scared me. It ungrounded me. My heart started racing, I lost myself in the future. I was distracted and unfocused the remainder of the day. I even lost a thank you letter. I think I mailed it, was it addressed and if so then to whom?!!! Last evening my mind panicked and I realized how unfocused I was.
Exciting events, unsettling events, mundain events- stuff happens everyday. My practice is learning to stay centered, grounded and connected to the present. Hopefully, this practice will give me the awareness to notice when a present appears and be awake enough to open it!!
Focusing on what will be in 661 days is silly. Focusing on this moment, in this 439th day, on the 22nd day of autumn, is a practice worth persuing!
Happy travels,
Today is today, it is not a journey. It is one day. Putting together 1000 days makes a journey. My journey is not today, all I can do today is practice enjoying this day, practice being present, being grateful, being balanced. Practicing the gift of this day.
I had been getting caught up in this journey but in reality all I can do is be in the present moment and practice making the most of this 22nd day of autumn.
Yesterday, I was asked to write a 600 word article then teach a class in January. This invitation both excited and scared me. It ungrounded me. My heart started racing, I lost myself in the future. I was distracted and unfocused the remainder of the day. I even lost a thank you letter. I think I mailed it, was it addressed and if so then to whom?!!! Last evening my mind panicked and I realized how unfocused I was.
Exciting events, unsettling events, mundain events- stuff happens everyday. My practice is learning to stay centered, grounded and connected to the present. Hopefully, this practice will give me the awareness to notice when a present appears and be awake enough to open it!!
Focusing on what will be in 661 days is silly. Focusing on this moment, in this 439th day, on the 22nd day of autumn, is a practice worth persuing!
Happy travels,
Friday, October 9, 2009
I love a man that can smile in trouble
Day 435,
Today I mailed out accounts receivables notices, to past due accounts. In 19 years of being in business, this unheard of for our company. Somehow after all this time, sending out such a letter was an afterthought because it was so rare. This morning I sent out 3 letters plus had to hunt down a contractor that hired us. I didn't really like the way I felt and wondered how I would act if our finances were in trouble.
I thought of my grandpa's: Grandpa Alton and Grandpa Biddie. Both saw through 90 plus years of triumphs and tragedies. Grandpa Alton passed away last year. Grandpa Biddie is still going strong. This is one of his favorite poems he used to recite.
The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheep, we esteem too lightly.
It is dearness only that gives everything its value.
I love a man that can smile in trouble,
That can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection.
Tis the business of little minds to shrink.
But he whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves his conduct
will pursue his principles unto death.
Thomas Pain
I hope we are never tested to our limits but I like the idea of smiling in trouble.
Today I mailed out accounts receivables notices, to past due accounts. In 19 years of being in business, this unheard of for our company. Somehow after all this time, sending out such a letter was an afterthought because it was so rare. This morning I sent out 3 letters plus had to hunt down a contractor that hired us. I didn't really like the way I felt and wondered how I would act if our finances were in trouble.
I thought of my grandpa's: Grandpa Alton and Grandpa Biddie. Both saw through 90 plus years of triumphs and tragedies. Grandpa Alton passed away last year. Grandpa Biddie is still going strong. This is one of his favorite poems he used to recite.
The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheep, we esteem too lightly.
It is dearness only that gives everything its value.
I love a man that can smile in trouble,
That can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection.
Tis the business of little minds to shrink.
But he whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves his conduct
will pursue his principles unto death.
Thomas Pain
I hope we are never tested to our limits but I like the idea of smiling in trouble.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The great yam experiment

Day 432 of 1000,
The days tick by. Visiting family, driving, vertigo, pulling weeds, working, visitors stop by, football season starts, the leaves change, grocery shopping, paying bills, making a new dish - no matter what is going on- the days tick by. Today is day 432.
Above you will find a couple pictures of yams. Last spring I started a water experiment. Putting yams in glasses of water to see what would happen with different qualities of water- sprouts and roots pop out, plants emerge. I decide to plant these tender plants in my back rock garden. Over the summer I watched the vines grow, little purple trumpet like flowers popped out the end of August. All summer I wondered what was growing if anything below the surface. Sunday night I dug up my little experiment. The yams were little and skinny-deeper than expected. I must have harvested around 30 yams. We roasted baby yams for dinner with company. They were tender and full of flavor.
Perhaps my yam experiment parallels my 1000 day journey. I started with one experiment which lead to another and then another. During this journey I have no way of knowing what grows below the surface. At the harvest I could have a little crop of yams, maybe something else.
Happy travels,
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