Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Practice of Freedom

day 450,

How time continues to move. When I started this journey 450 days ago, I knew the days would keeping adding even if I paid no mind to my journey. It's funny instead of feeling like I need to do more, I feel as though I need to relax, let go and just be.

This is Sunday. My husband and I have no plans, I might roast some garlic, take the dogs for a walk, read about worms or just take a nap. Today is a day of freedom. The freedom to enjoy the day and let it unwind however it chooses.

Looking for a recipe, using cashews instead of cream for soup, I was on Oprah's home site. I stumbled on to an article about how women in the US are getting less happy as we age. We start out happy and somehow we become un-enchanted with our lives. Maybe it is because as women, we are not allowed to have days of pure freedom. Day's where there is no chores, no requirements, no internal guilt about just being.

How can we listen to our instincts, our intuition, our core being if we never stop and breath? If we are not true to our own heart how can we be happy?

On behalf of all women, I will practice the freedom of just enjoying this day. May this practice of freedom, bless all women everywhere!

Happy travels,

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