Saturday, June 20, 2009

The last day of spring

Day 323 of 1000; June 21,09

The last day of spring.
My magic mountain basil looks like a bouquet- smelling of heaven.
My purple beans have bright purple shoots -ready to sprout flowers.
My Beats are starting to look like beats.
I finally decided an unknown plant I was growing was a weed.
The dogwood trees are in full bloom.
It has been very dry up here in the NW and my lawn is turning "golden".
The temperatures have cooled off into the 60's.
My little sister is getting married in 2 days.
My pansies are looking a little sun soaked.
I put a glass pot on the stove to boil water and promptley forgot.
The US open is on TV, rain soaked golfers hack their balls out of 2 ft grass.
One of my 3 blueberry plants has blueberries
The wild black berries are blooming.
I have no idea what's for dinner, but I'm sure I should cook something.
The dogs want to go for a walk- they don't care what day it is.
The sun is kind of shining.

I should do something special to celebrate the last day of spring... It has been a good spring. I loved this spring. The sun came out for almost a full month- no questions asked. I finally planted my blueberries, started blogging, and got my new computers. I have been happier this spring than I can ever remember. Our business has flourished even with the ecomomic reports. I let go of a few things, like handling our own investments. I've tried to relax, smile, breath, trust and let go. Somedays I do well, other days I forget.

I've had more moments of seridipity than ever in my life. It's either that or I've always had this much seridipity but didn't notice. I started wearing dresses and putting on sandels. I took lots of moments to just do nothing, even if it on my to do list.

I went to a birthday party, in the breese way of my grandparents house, a hummingbird nest over head. At the table was my aunt 99, my grandma 94, my grandpa 94, my mom and me. We sang, we laughed and we held hands. My mom and I went for a walk almost everday while we were in AZ. We sang as we walked, saw a coyote, a giraff bench, a crazy little neutotic dog and a swarm of bees.

My father in law came up and visited, we ate cookes, quinoa, and greens. We went to a car musium and ate mexican food in a parking lot. My sister returned from her year long Asian trip. She came home with a fiancee.

My dad gave me a bookcase/desk my grandpa made. It is made out of church benches we got from Nebraska when I was about 10. I smashed my toe with a rock from the lawn mower and got some seriously soar muscles from Kundalini yoga.

As I write this I realized I am celebrating this spring. I'm going to get on a pair of shorts, leash up my dogs and go for a last day of spring, walk. As I walk, I'm going to notice what the last day of spring looks like.

Happy travels, Denise

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