Sunday, June 14, 2009

15 minutes a day to transform your life- day 317

Day 317- June 14th @2:09pm
When you start a journey like my 1000 day journey, it starts to create its own life. A few years back I went on another such journey. One August day I was walking with my sister. At the time I had been walking or running for 17 days straight. On that day, as we walked a thought popped into my head-- I should do this everyday for 1 whole year. We continued our walk and I created the details of my new practice. It would have to be everyday- rain, shine, sick, busy, or snowing. I only had walk or run 15 minutes or 1 mile every day.
That journey went on for approximately 1000 plus days, then one day I simply decided that journey was over and I stopped. There was no party, no fan fair, I just stopped but from August of 2002 to 2005 I walked or ran everyday. Some day I'll give you more details. My log books are stashed away under the bed in our spare bedroom.
The journey of the 15 minutes transformed my life. It was so little, so easy I wasn't training for a marathon, nor creating the strength to do a 100 push ups. I was only walking or jogging everyday for 15 minutes for 365 days. Those 365 days began a journey transforming my health and life. The consistency and commitment of that journey created some kind of power and energy. It was funny, once everyone realized I had this commitment to myself to walk or run everyday, they helped. While I was on the journey I didn't realized it's impact but looking back I am amazed.
My current 1000 day journey is a little more abstract in its discipline. It is more of a philosophy and a practice of changing my habits and thoughts, than something as simple as 15 minutes of walking or running. As approach a full year of this 1000 day journey, I feel the need for something like my 15 minutes to ground me and set a commitment taking me to the next level.
I leave you as I continue to ponder this new practice commitment. A zillion ideas bounce around my head. Maybe I will just blog or write everyday about my journey. hummm...
Hope this day finds you enjoying life. I'm eating a bowl of frozen blueberries.
Happy travels, Denise

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